Successful communication is a key ingredient in a successful workplace
About us
The Literacy Professionals are the Workplace Communication division of Languages International, providing high quality workplace communication, language, literacy and numeracy training to New Zealand businesses.
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The impact on your business
We can help you understand the impact of communication skills in your business in terms of client relations, productivity, compliance risk or planning for future leaders. We can help you develop the business case to get sustainable change happening.
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Benefits for the business
Raising standards of communication, language and literacy at work can contribute to real, significant benefits to the bottom line. But, it’s also about investing in people and giving them the skills they need to be the best they can be for now and for their future roles.
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Why us?
We’ve had forty years in the business of language skills development with adults, and experience in a range of sectors. Our key strengths are our experience with employees who speak English as a Second Language and also working with people where the stakes are high in terms of language, literacy and numeracy.
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