Who We Are
The Literacy Professionals are a provider of high quality communication, language, literacy and numeracy education to New Zealand businesses across the country.
We are the Workplace division of Languages International, a long established and highly regarded language school with over forty years of experience developing language and literacy skills of adults and working with clients from all over the world.
The school is also an established:
- Teacher training centre
- Test Centre (OET, TOEFL, Cambridge)
Our tutors are knowledgeable, have a deep understanding of methodology and good language awareness – combined with a professionalism that allows them to see the big picture in terms of helping individual learners and understanding the broader business context. They also have empathy with individuals and a genuine desire to see people develop skills that make a difference at work and in their lives outside work.
Our team
Nick Moore
MA (Hons) Language Teaching and Learning, BA (Hons), PGCE, DELTA, Cert TESOL
Director of Studies / Teacher Trainer
Nick’s a specialist in independent learning and is an experienced language teacher as well as a CELTA and DELTA trainer, tertiary English and drama teacher. He loves networking, building partnerships with businesses and creating opportunities for the development of courses in the workplace. And running!
Dérene Els
MProfStud Language Teaching and Learning, NCALNE (National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education), BA, CELTA, Cert Tertiary Teaching
Workplace Learning Manager
Dérene is interested in Professional Development for the workplace with extensive experience in teaching adult learners in a variety of workplace and community settings, as well as administrative experience in education and other industries. She has been involved in literacy training and course design for The Literacy Professionals since 2009.
Elisabeth (Lizzie) Downey
MTESOL (Hons), NCALNE (National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education), Grad Dip ELT, BA, DTEFLA, CTEFLA
Workplace Literacy Tutor and Teacher Trainer
Lizzie has extensive teaching experience here and abroad, including ESOL, teacher training and workplace communication coaching. She is interested in designing courses tailored to specific workplaces and groups.
Rhonda Paton
NCALNE (National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education), CELTA
Workplace Literacy Tutor
Rhonda has previous experience in the business world of travel and tourism, and pharmaceuticals which gives her a wealth of knowledge for our workplace courses.
We are members of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce.