We are now the first official New Zealand OET Premium Preparation Provider and we do our best to help you succeed in your exam. You can see us listed on the OET website and find our OET course in the official OET Shop.

What is an OET Premium Preparation Provider?


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OET has developed the Premium Preparation Provider Programme (PPP) to give OET preparation providers the knowledge and tools needed to run high quality OET preparation courses. Choosing an OET Premium Preparation Provider gives OET candidates the assurance that they will get quality teaching and learning to help them succeed in OET and their future goals in their medical registration, and career.

The OET teachers at Languages International have completed the in-depth OET Premium Preparation Provider training, to ensure that they produce high quality, relevant, easy to follow lesson content, and to know how to support OET candidates, while they prepare, in the best way possible. Our teachers are also highly qualified, with master’s degrees and have extensive teaching experience. By achieving OET Premium Preparation Provider status, it means that OET has endorsed us at Languages International, to teach our OET Intensive Course.

What is OET?

OET preparation course in AucklandThe Occupational English Test (OET) is an international English language test that assesses speaking, reading, listening and writing skills of healthcare professionals. The key benefit over IELTS is that it is contextualised around communication skills that are relevant to work in healthcare. So, test-takers are able to use skills that they have developed in the course of their work.

It is currently recognised by the following professional bodies: Nursing Council of New Zealand; Pharmacy Council of New Zealand; Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand; Veterinary Council of New Zealand; Dental Council of New Zealand; Council of Occupational Therapists Registration Boards (Australia and New Zealand); Australia and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC); Medical Council New Zealand (since Feb 2014)

The Test measures the language competency of health professionals who are seeking registration and the ability to practice in an English-speaking context. It is designed to ensure that language competency is assessed in a relevant professional context.