OET Authorised Test Venue logoWhat is OET and what does OET assess?

OET is an international English language test that assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals seeking to register and practise in an English-speaking environment.
OET provides a valid and reliable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – with an emphasis on communication in healthcare professional settings. For detailed information about the test, go to https://www.oet.com.

Who is OET for?

OET tests health practitioners from the following 12 professions:

Occupational Therapy
Speech Pathology
Veterinary Science

The advantage of OET for health practitioners, relative to other international English tests, is that it is contextualised around communication skills that are relevant to work in healthcare. So, test-takers are able to make use of skills that they have developed in the course of their work.

Who uses OET as proof of English proficiency?

  • Authorities in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Namibia, Dubai and Singapore accept OET for registration in 12 healthcare professions. In NZ, it is currently recognised by the following professional bodies: Nursing Council of New Zealand; Pharmacy Council of New Zealand; Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand; Veterinary Council of New Zealand; Dental Council of New Zealand; Council of Occupational Therapists Registration Boards (Australia and New Zealand); Australia and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC); Medical Council New Zealand (since Feb 2014).
  • Australian Department of Immigration and Immigration New Zealand accept OET for all visa categories, which may require an English test, including Skilled Migrant Category.
  • Leading health educators in Australia and New Zealand accept OET for admission to healthcare courses.

What preparation support is available for candidates?

When is OET available?

The OET test is available every month at Languages International. For up-to-date details on test dates, go to: https://oet.com/test/book-a-test.

How can I apply for OET?

You can apply and pay for the test online three or more weeks before your selected test date at https://www.oet.com.

How are results received?

Results are published online 16 days after the test and candidates are provided with login details to access a secure system to view their results, which are also sent by post.