How old do I have to be to study at Languages International?
The minimum age is 17.
What is different for under 18s?
In New Zealand, you are not legally an adult until you turn 18. For this reason:
- You and one of your parents must sign a copy of the School Rules for Under 18-year-olds . Read the rules carefully before you sign because you must follow them.
- You can only stay in homestay accommodation arranged by the school or with a relative or a close friend of your family. You cannot stay in Student Residence. Also, we must receive payment at least 4 weeks before your start date to organise your homestay. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to start school.
- Accommodation costs are a little higher for under 18s. This is because the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students puts special obligations on the school and homestay hosts for under 18s. For example, we need to visit the homestay for every placement (not just once a year or so, as with normal families) Also, the family has a lot of legal responsibility. You can see the accommodation fees on our prices page. You will only be charged the higher price for the weeks before you turn 18.
- You must book an airport transfer for arrival.