We made a recipe book. Here’s a link to download your own copy. If you try any of the recipes, please tell us how they went. Multi-cultural recipe book (PDF 2MB). Communicating cross-culturally with food, literacy and numeracy We have been working with The Selwyn Foundation for over 3 years, providing Business Communication Skills Courses
Embedded Literacy and Numeracy Resources Published
Our Workplace Team have had another very busy year. We have run projects with ADHB at Auckland Hospital and The Selwyn Foundation across their North Island sites as well as a number of smaller projects in a range of businesses. We were involved in a project producing some embedded literacy resources for the healthcare sector
Designing tasks to transfer learning to and from the workplace
One of the things we try to implement in our workplace literacy and numeracy courses is creating opportunities for learners to transfer the skills they are practising in our classes to their workplace. We believe that if transfer opportunities are set up explicitly in class and learners leave the classroom with permission and direction to
Best online dictionaries
Choosing an online dictionary Online dictionaries are very useful tools when writing and reading and there are some really good ones out there. Go for a learner dictionary – this will be more useful and give you more detailed information about usage. Here are some tips on how to choose an online dictionary: 1. Make
Learner Orientated Assessment
Write and Improve Learner Orientated Assessment is the sort of assessment that happens in class and by teachers all the time and so rather than resulting in a formal assessment report, it feeds directly into the learning that is going on right at the moment. We really like “Write and Improve”. Language learners can use
Addressing the needs of employees who speak English as an additional language
Nick attended a Symposium held at the University of Waikato and ran a workshop on addressing the needs of employees who speak English as an additional language in a workplace literacy setting. We shared a number of lesson plans and classroom tasks designed to assist employees with the following aspects of report writing: Accuracy and sentence structure Accuracy with collocation (time
Spelling in the workplace
There is quite a lot of cross-pollination between the workplace literacy world and the world of regular language teaching. A small example of the way our work in the literacy world has enhanced what we do in the regular language school is with spelling. Spelling is important in the workplace and while everyone makes the
Diigo in a nutshell
It’s always good when you learn something new from your learners. A task from one of the courses we are running was for learners to create a screencast teaching other people how to do something on a computer. The literacy focus was on speaking skills – consideration of the needs / level of understanding of
Lesson logs
At the end of every input session we teach, we include a 5 minute reflection session in which we encourage learners think about what they have been doing in the session, say what they’ve learnt and think about how they are going to apply that learning at work. Learners get to share their reflections with
Coaching language and literacy learners
Garold Murray, Associate Professor in the Foreign Language Education Center at Okayama University and some of his colleagues came to visit us at our base in Princes Street the other day. As a researcher, he has published a number of extensive longitudinal studies of learners recording their stories of strategy use, motivation and progress over