Written by: H.P and Min2, students at Languages International

1. Use past tenses.

2. After the first sentence, do try to use past perfect to describe history of the story.

3. Do try to use past continuous to describe weather.

4. Do try to use a great range of vocabulary. It helps to make a good descriptive story.

5. Don’t write about a topic if you don’t know some specific vocabulary related to it.

6. Do use direct speech. It makes the story more interesting.

7. Do add extra detail to add to the atmosphere of the story.

8. Do try to create some suspense.

9. Do try to have a dramatic ending.

10. Do use phrases to show when things happened in your story.
(e.g : while, before, after, during)

11. Double check singular and plurals.

12. A story should have
•a good plot, with a dramatic, funny or unexpected ending;
•linking words and time markers to show the order of events;
•correct use of narrative tenses.